Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

We’ve helped over 100,000 therapists in private practice for free.

We’d love to help you, too! More therapists serving their communities means a better world. We have HUNDREDS of articles with advice, how-tos, trainings, and success stories for every stage of private practice to inform, teach, inspire, and delight you. Scroll down to check out our latest articles, or type what you need into the search box.

Top Advice for 2019 From Therapists in Private Practice
A Dad's Perfect Practice with Adam
The Power of Proximity - Therapists in Community

The Power of Proximity - Therapists in Community

Joe Sanok from Practice of the Practice joins the podcast today to share about the power of community as you build your private practice. Check out his upcoming Killin’ It Camp here.

In this podcast we discuss:

  1. How the landscape of private practice community has changed

  2. How community can eliminate the hierarchy of learning and be more collaborative

  3. The importance of in person learning and relationship building

  4. What is needed for success in a community

  5. Why being in person is so valuable

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It’s all the things: A zig-zag story to multiple streams of income and a group practice - Kimberly’s Story
Building a Psychology Practice from Scratch: Take a leap of faith and invest in yourself - Hilary’s Story
An Introvert’s Guide to Bootcamp - Yolanda’s Story

An Introvert’s Guide to Bootcamp - Yolanda’s Story

You recharge from being alone, away from groups of people or interacting with others. Your introversion is your greatest power. It is what allows you to connect deeply with others, to feel with your clients and to see the subtleties of the world around you. Yolanda shares this and more in her experience as a clinician who is introverted, who is HSP and who has built a group practice using Business School Bootcamp for Therapists.

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Starting a Psychology Practice: From No Practice to Group Practice - Dr. Abi
Dropping Insurance after Years - Interview with Kayce
Anything But Cookie Cutter - Nicol’s Story
A Practice In A Barn - The Second Career of Charlotte
From stuck at 4 clients to waitlist, the story of a bootcamper

From stuck at 4 clients to waitlist, the story of a bootcamper

Josie had a flourishing practice in CA but when she moved to Utah and started fresh, she found what worked before just wasn’t working any longer. She had twins, lost her mom and found life demanding a new energy unlike ever before. Miranda and Josie talk about how bootcamp helped her move from sitting at a few clients to averaging 15 to 20 clients a week with a waitlist.

Be sure to listen for

  • The one thing she changed on her website that made the biggest difference

  • What specializing meant to her practice

  • What she had to let go of to move forward

  • And what makes Josie feel vulnerable about private practice

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