Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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Therapists: It is ok to change... even during a pandemic

Therapists: It is ok to change... even during a pandemic

This year has been a whirlwind of change, and although change can be a beautiful thing - it can also be quite stressful. As healers, we typically give our whole heart, and are constantly holding ourselves to this higher standard of doing more and being better than the day before. In light of COVID-19, many of us are in a position where we are trying to figure out how to do more with even less.

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Top Advice for 2019 From Therapists in Private Practice
Anything But Cookie Cutter - Nicol’s Story
A Practice In A Barn - The Second Career of Charlotte
From stuck at 4 clients to waitlist, the story of a bootcamper

From stuck at 4 clients to waitlist, the story of a bootcamper

Josie had a flourishing practice in CA but when she moved to Utah and started fresh, she found what worked before just wasn’t working any longer. She had twins, lost her mom and found life demanding a new energy unlike ever before. Miranda and Josie talk about how bootcamp helped her move from sitting at a few clients to averaging 15 to 20 clients a week with a waitlist.

Be sure to listen for

  • The one thing she changed on her website that made the biggest difference

  • What specializing meant to her practice

  • What she had to let go of to move forward

  • And what makes Josie feel vulnerable about private practice

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