Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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We’d love to help you, too! More therapists serving their communities means a better world. We have HUNDREDS of articles with advice, how-tos, trainings, and success stories for every stage of private practice to inform, teach, inspire, and delight you. Scroll down to check out our latest articles, or type what you need into the search box.

Miranda Palmer Miranda Palmer

Business Planning for Therapists: Steps 1-44

Our free Private Practice Vision training dug into Step 1 of your business plan. But what comes next? We wanted to share the steps for the rest of your business plan as a therapist. Your business plan will look a little different based on your particular needs and vision, but you can tweak the process as you go. Check them out below!

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Want to grow your practice? You need to do this first.

Want to grow your practice? You need to do this first.

You have a checklist of things you need to get done to keep the engine of your practice humming along. You are so focused on getting that phone ringing because every time it does, it makes you feel a little bit more confident and secure that you know what you are doing.

Diana joined bootcamp after she had started her practice and had just left her full time job. She had one of those - “I have to make this work” kind of moments. She had some of her marketing in place, she had the website but she was overwhelmed.

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School Based Mental Health Private Practice
Private Practice Business, Podcast Miranda Palmer Private Practice Business, Podcast Miranda Palmer

School Based Mental Health Private Practice

There are many different successful private practice models. Today we talk to Lisa Savage about her model of melding private practice with school based mental health. Learn how much revenue she brings in (it will blow your mind), how much of that actually becomes profit (a way less mind-blowing number), and the best things she did to become a successful business owner today!

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When Life Happens - Debt
Business Advice, Podcast Kelly Higdon Business Advice, Podcast Kelly Higdon

When Life Happens - Debt

It's an issue that we often face when coaching our clients. Spending, debt, and money shame is something many private practice owners face. Adding this topic to the series may seem a little counter-intuitive. But losing grasp on your financial management can happen to any of us whether it be from a crisis that arose or from sticking our head in the sand about the financial decisions we need to face in our daily lives. Mallory, LCSW shares her experience with debt, spending and variable income in private practice.

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Essential End of Year Private Practice Checklist
Business Mindset for Therapists Miranda Palmer Business Mindset for Therapists Miranda Palmer

Essential End of Year Private Practice Checklist

We are coming to the end of the year. This is a wonderful time to assess, re-assess, get organized, and a make a great plan for next year. So today, we are going to share a checklist of items to assess. Most of these items could be a blog article by themselves, so for today we are just going to make one handy-dandy list as a starting point! 

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Therapists & Taxes: Do This BEFORE December 31st!
Private Practice Business Miranda Palmer Private Practice Business Miranda Palmer

Therapists & Taxes: Do This BEFORE December 31st!

We hear you. The last thing you want to think about while doing holiday shopping is paying taxes... especially since it might feel like taxes aren't something to think about until AFTER this year ends. 

However, as a business owner, the rules have changed. Actually, the rules have become more important! As you begin to make more of a profit in your business, the self-employment taxes REALLY start to add up. However, there are LOTS of ways to legally and ethically reduce the amount of taxes you owe. However, you only have until December 31st of this year to do it! 

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Starting a Counseling Practice - A Beginner's Guide

Starting a Counseling Practice - A Beginner's Guide

"Give me anything you can to help me start my private practice."

Every week we receive emails from therapists asking about how to get started in their practices. There is great value in getting information from someone who has been there and done that. Yet, we all have our own unique journey. What works for one person, may not work for another. This is why we created a 10 part series that was featured on Pro Psych Central. It is a great compliment to our free trainings and most articles come with a free download to help you integrate what is taught.

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Financial Planning in Private Practice
Private Practice Business, Podcast Kelly Higdon Private Practice Business, Podcast Kelly Higdon

Financial Planning in Private Practice

Maybe you have your tax planning, retirement, disability coverage and cash flow all figured out. But if you don't, this is for you. This is to encourage you to start learning, even in baby steps. I (Kelly) used to find this stuff intimidating. So I've reached out for support and every year, it gets better. I don't feel so fearful and I know what is currently going on in my business while I am reaching new personal and professional financial goals. 

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Do you embody the healing and life that you teach your clients?

The time for change is now. We can help.