Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

We’ve helped over 100,000 therapists in private practice for free.

We’d love to help you, too! More therapists serving their communities means a better world. We have HUNDREDS of articles with advice, how-tos, trainings, and success stories for every stage of private practice to inform, teach, inspire, and delight you. Scroll down to check out our latest articles, or type what you need into the search box.

Websites for Therapists Checklist: DIY or Outsource a Client-Generating Website
Miranda Palmer Miranda Palmer

Websites for Therapists Checklist: DIY or Outsource a Client-Generating Website

Learn everything you need to start creating a therapist website that brings in ideal clients and income for your private practice!

For most therapists, a website is absolutely integral to the health of their business and their quality of life. While you may only think of a website in terms of advertising, marketing, or generating clients, a great website does SO much more.

That said, not all websites are created equal. Simply outsourcing to a web designer won’t necessarily get you the outcome you’re looking for, at least not without some knowledge and direction coming from you. Consider this your definitive guide to ensure your therapist website experience is empowering, effective, and maybe even a little bit fun!

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Sh*t Therapists Say To Avoid Getting Sh*t Done: Part 1

Sh*t Therapists Say To Avoid Getting Sh*t Done: Part 1

A silly title... but a true and real issue. Today we are going to let you into the mind of amazing therapists, who are self-aware enough to let you know the ways they convince themselves NOT to do the things that they know in their heart they need to do to live a happy life and run a happy practice! 

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Starting a Counseling Practice - A Beginner's Guide

Starting a Counseling Practice - A Beginner's Guide

"Give me anything you can to help me start my private practice."

Every week we receive emails from therapists asking about how to get started in their practices. There is great value in getting information from someone who has been there and done that. Yet, we all have our own unique journey. What works for one person, may not work for another. This is why we created a 10 part series that was featured on Pro Psych Central. It is a great compliment to our free trainings and most articles come with a free download to help you integrate what is taught.

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5 Simple Ways to Make Your Next Blog Post Readable, Shareable, and Worth Everyone’s Time

5 Simple Ways to Make Your Next Blog Post Readable, Shareable, and Worth Everyone’s Time

You’re doing this 21st century therapist thing right.

You’ve established a niche. You’ve set fair fees and confidently ask clients to pay you what you’re worth. You’re building relationships as your build professional expertise.

And, of course, because you’ve embraced the internet and its unprecedented ability to connect people with solutions, you’ve launched a website and started a blog.

Congratulations! You started a blog! Um, pardon me for prying, but are you sustaining that blog?  

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Love Your Writing Style - Guest Interview with Nikki

Love Your Writing Style - Guest Interview with Nikki

There are people you admire and then there are people who make you go gah gah crazy when you learn from them. For me, that person is Nikki, Communication Stylist and all out amazing human being. In this interview she shares a wealth of information about finding your style, overcoming your writers' block and learning to enjoy the creative process.

Take notes - this girl is on fire!

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