Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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We’d love to help you, too! More therapists serving their communities means a better world. We have HUNDREDS of articles with advice, how-tos, trainings, and success stories for every stage of private practice to inform, teach, inspire, and delight you. Scroll down to check out our latest articles, or type what you need into the search box.

Training for Therapists: Webinars, Courses, Certifications, and CEs
Kelly Higdon Kelly Higdon

Training for Therapists: Webinars, Courses, Certifications, and CEs

You have probably noticed that time and energy are your most important, and most limited, resources as a therapist. Most of us start with boundless energy in this profession, and then we learn that this energy fades- even though the love and passion for the work do not. As long as we respect our time and energy, we can maintain this love of the work, but otherwise, we suffer from burnout.

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The Power of Proximity - Therapists in Community

The Power of Proximity - Therapists in Community

Joe Sanok from Practice of the Practice joins the podcast today to share about the power of community as you build your private practice. Check out his upcoming Killin’ It Camp here.

In this podcast we discuss:

  1. How the landscape of private practice community has changed

  2. How community can eliminate the hierarchy of learning and be more collaborative

  3. The importance of in person learning and relationship building

  4. What is needed for success in a community

  5. Why being in person is so valuable

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Anything But Cookie Cutter - Nicol’s Story
The Best Gift To Give Yourself
Kelly Higdon Kelly Higdon

The Best Gift To Give Yourself

Our work by nature is one of giving. We give of our time, our listening, our efforts to process and contain and help people move forward into more healing. It a beautiful and rare kind of work that we do as helpers and healers.

But when was the last time you gave back to yourself? 

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Do you embody the healing and life that you teach your clients?

The time for change is now. We can help.