Let's Get Creative

"You need a website! You need a brochure! Don't forget business cards! Get on Psychology Today!"

You have a great message and know how to help people, but how do they find you? I am sure some of the above ideas, you have heard before. Heck! I probably told you one or two of those. But let's get real for a minute...Marketing doesn't work without a plan or a purpose. So how do you figure out what you need?

Uh oh...back to that planning thing again Kelly? Yep! I know. Am I repeating myself...maybe, but this important stuff. So this is how I approach marketing planning with any of my clients.

  • What tools and services do you offer? How do you help people heal? What do you know and love?

    • Answering these questions demonstrates your value. You gotta know what you are about and what you have to give to the world. It takes bravery but if you care about the people that need you, you will dig deep and find your value.

    • Who benefits from your tools and services? Who are you meant to help?

      • Getting clear on that ideal client is so important. That process never ends and constantly gets renewed in the course of your business. You just get more and more clear as you work on this. But once you identify who you want to work wtih...then you can determine where to find them.

      • Where are these people at? Are they online? Are they in the community?

        • Ok, I will be honest. I am a big fan of online marketing. Why? Well, it works AND it reaches people that I can't reach by pounding the pavement. It extends my support across the world and that is beautiful. But the online world has its challenges. You gotta put your message where the people you want to work with will find it. For everyone that is different. Some people - google ads has really worked and for others it is LinkedIn, and let us not forget about facebook :) This sometimes takes some coaching plus trial and error to find the sweet spots in your marketing placement.

Once you got an idea of the answers to those questions, then you can get creative with what you do to get more people in the door or purchasing your eBook or online course. And this is the fun part for me as a coach. Sure, the idea is to find more clients...but the ways in which to do that are so vast. Newsletters, webinars, social media plans, websites, face to face networking, speaking engagements...oh the list goes on and on. And none of those things alone is a good idea. You have to have purpose remember? So if you do a speaking engagement, get emails, follow up, offer the next step in working with you. If you do a newsletter, give them options to engage in your services. 

There is no magic wand. There is no absolute one perfect way to market your practice. But there is hard work and dedication. There is a unique path for you. If you feel stagnate...your marketing is gonna be stagnate. This is why coaching is so helpful for people. It reignites their passion and gives them laser focus and purpose in their marketing strategies. If you want help, be sure to get on the list for free practice building trainings and articles delivered weekly! 


What Therapy Speciality is going to Make Me MONEY?


I don't do coffee anymore.