Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

We’ve helped over 100,000 therapists in private practice for free.

We’d love to help you, too! More therapists serving their communities means a better world. We have HUNDREDS of articles with advice, how-tos, trainings, and success stories for every stage of private practice to inform, teach, inspire, and delight you. Scroll down to check out our latest articles, or type what you need into the search box.

What is the Absolute FASTEST Way to Fill Your Practice?

What is the Absolute FASTEST Way to Fill Your Practice?

To be successful in private practice, you need a steady stream of clients. You can have the most beautiful office, an amazing website, a great location, and fabulous skills to help people, but if nobody is calling... you don’t have a viable business. Here’s the fastest way to fill your practice and change that!

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The Power of Proximity - Therapists in Community

The Power of Proximity - Therapists in Community

Joe Sanok from Practice of the Practice joins the podcast today to share about the power of community as you build your private practice. Check out his upcoming Killin’ It Camp here.

In this podcast we discuss:

  1. How the landscape of private practice community has changed

  2. How community can eliminate the hierarchy of learning and be more collaborative

  3. The importance of in person learning and relationship building

  4. What is needed for success in a community

  5. Why being in person is so valuable

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3 Ways to Avoid the Biggest Mistakes Private Practitioners Make

3 Ways to Avoid the Biggest Mistakes Private Practitioners Make

Want to avoid the common mistakes most clinicians make in private practice?  Wonder what those mistakes are?

When we first started in private practice over a decade ago, there weren’t a lot practice building resources at the time.  We were forced to learn everything the hard way and made a ton of mistakes along our journey growing our private practices to 6 figures in less than 2 years. 

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Is Your Money Story Impacting Your Private Practice?

Is Your Money Story Impacting Your Private Practice?

As therapists, we LOVE to tend to love to see the big picture and help people find the path to ease in making deep changes in their life. Often, that shift happens when people become aware of what is driving them to repeat old patterns that don't serve their current life, circumstances, and goals. 

And yet, when you talk to therapists about private practice finances or the financial success of a business, it often gets boiled down to- am I attracting enough clients? As a business owner, you can have a full private practice, and still not make a profit!

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3 Ways and Whys to Practice Gratitude in Private Practice
Business Mindset for Therapists Miranda Palmer Business Mindset for Therapists Miranda Palmer

3 Ways and Whys to Practice Gratitude in Private Practice

Sitting down with someone who trusts you enough to share their hearts, hopes, truths, and be vulnerable is quite the honor. Whether you work as a therapist, psychologist, counselor, coach, or what particular modality you use- you know that this work is different... it is special. 

And yet, there are some days in the midst of late cancellations, billing nightmares, too empty calendars, suicidal clients, etc. that it is easy to lose focus. So today we are going to talk about 7 gratitude practices you can use in your private practice, and how each can be transformative clinically and personally. 

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My Journey From Therapist to Consultant

My Journey From Therapist to Consultant

The truth is, I will always be a therapist. I never set out to be a consultant. It is interesting sometimes the journey that life takes. Sometimes, there is a higher purpose and path to each of our lives, something bigger guiding us. 

My Path To Being a Consultant

My journey to becoming a consultant started by failing a licensing exam by 1 point. It was heart wrenching and mortifying. I couldn't have imagined how many amazing things could've come out of that experience

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How to Eliminate the Competition in Your Therapy Practice

How to Eliminate the Competition in Your Therapy Practice

When any new  business opens up shop, they take stock and observe who is around them. By my office we have what is called, Furniture Row. Every single store for several blocks, sells furniture. You see this with car dealerships as well. So how do those businesses survive when they are all in close proximity?

Therapists are no different.  There are some areas with buildings that are saturated with therapists. Whenever I hear “there is a lot of competition in my area” I get excited because 

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Musts for a Successful Crowdfunding Project

Musts for a Successful Crowdfunding Project

This is the fourth article in Rob Reinhardt's special traveling blog series on crowdfunding. At the end of this article, you'll find a link to the next article in this series, located on another blog I find valuable for mental health professionals. Continue to follow the links to read all four articles and get introduced to valuable authors and content!

Musts for a Successful Crowdfunding Project 

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Wordpress.Org Website Designer Review
Websites for Therapists Miranda Palmer Websites for Therapists Miranda Palmer

Wordpress.Org Website Designer Review

We are stoked to be reviewing BrighterVision Website Designer for Therapists

BrighterVision specializes in custom sites for Therapists. (Not sure what the difference is between Wordpress, and check out the Website Dictionary for Therapists). We aren't super shy about it. We are pretty clear that most therapists are unprepared for managing their own site. We might even be quoted more than once saying "I hate Wordpress!" hehe So, why are we excited to talk about Wordpress today? 

Wordpress is sometimes the best solution for therapists. However, we recommend that therapists who need or want sites outsource that puppy to someone awesome. The trouble is, it can get expensive pretty quickly to work with a Wordpress designer. Even more complex, there are only a few Wordpress designers who specialize in working with therapists. 

We are excited today to review a program that has made getting a custom designed and maintained Wordpress site accessible for even therapists starting out. 

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Passwords for Therapists: Security for You and Your Clients
Going Paperless, Private Practice Business Miranda Palmer Going Paperless, Private Practice Business Miranda Palmer

Passwords for Therapists: Security for You and Your Clients

Today we are going to show you a way to keep your information safe online. It is a simple change you can make today to make the online world safer for your clients. Why? Because the truth is, I can probably get into your metal filing cabinet with a hammer and about 4 minutes. Just because something feels safe, doesn't make it safe

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Do you embody the healing and life that you teach your clients?

The time for change is now. We can help.