Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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Success Stories... Art Therapist and New Author Margaret Hunter

We just received this in our inbox... And I'll be honest- it brought me nearly to tears when I read it. I felt so much joy and excitement. Why? Because this is truly what we are about- empowering people to take ownership of their process and their businesses. We especially love helping therapists over the website hurdle- as we are both therapists in private practice. So, without further ado- read on... 
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How it cost me over $1,000 to use a free image on Google

So, those of you who have met me know that I am pretty passionate about technology. I LOVE to help people streamline what they are already doing to make their lives easier (and more joyful). That means sometimes I get roped into fun projects like being on the board of my local professional organization. I was elected as a "member at large" because I refuse to be the technology person (even though I am LOL).
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Taking Your Therapist’s Website from an Island to a Hub!
Websites for Therapists zynnyme Websites for Therapists zynnyme

Taking Your Therapist’s Website from an Island to a Hub!

So, let's say you have a beautiful website. You hired a fabulous graphic designer, or signed up for a Website in a Box like TherapySites, you spend several hours sweating over it- and then you think ahh- done! Within a few days- you Google your name and there you are on Google! Woohoo- you made it! You might even get a few random calls... people saying they found you "on the Internet" but are quite vague as to where. You think- ahh the website! Not so fast- you need to make your sure your website isn't an island!
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Google, Websites for Therapists zynnyme Google, Websites for Therapists zynnyme

Free Google AdWords Support for Therapists!

Google Adwords is a way to advertise your website on Google. It puts your website into a funny little "advertiser" box and can help to force a new website to the top or side of the page. It costs money, but can be pretty reasonable. Google is no offering free support to help you setup your "campaign" and to help you understand how it all works. I will give you the information below... but here are some things to understand BEFORE you set-up your first Google AdWords account:
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Websites for Therapists zynnyme Websites for Therapists zynnyme

How to Build a Therapist’s Website: What NOT to Do!

Did you know that 70% of small business owners don't have a website? I would even sugges that of the 30% of small business owners that have a website, many of them are ineffective- meaning they don't bring in business or make life easier for the business owner. Before you build or purchase a website, you need to understand what the purpose of the website is, in order to make sure that you are building or purchasing the RIGHT website for you! A website designer, builder, or service it not always looking out for YOUR best interest!
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Websites for Therapists zynnyme Websites for Therapists zynnyme

Can A Pre-Licensed Person Start a Website?

If you are a prelicensed marriage and family therapist, associate clinical social worker, or a clinical supervisor, you may be wondering about this topic. In short, the answer is yes, but. I know, I know, we have heard those "Yes, but" answers from clients forever! Hopefully the Q & A section below will help you to understand why it is, and where the but comes in!
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Do you embody the healing and life that you teach your clients?

The time for change is now. We can help.