Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

We’ve helped over 100,000 therapists in private practice for free.

We’d love to help you, too! More therapists serving their communities means a better world. We have HUNDREDS of articles with advice, how-tos, trainings, and success stories for every stage of private practice to inform, teach, inspire, and delight you. Scroll down to check out our latest articles, or type what you need into the search box.

Starting a Private Practice: Business School Q&A
zynnyme zynnyme

Starting a Private Practice: Business School Q&A

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to starting a private practice, and we’re here to help no matter what your journey looks like. Whether you have no previous business experience or if this is your third business, you can find value in this Starting a Private Practice Q&A.

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2022 Fearless Business Plan for Therapists
Miranda Palmer Miranda Palmer

2022 Fearless Business Plan for Therapists

There’s a lot of fear being passed around in therapist circles right now. Some of that fear is being used to do a cash grab. Some of that fear is being used to shame therapists. Some of that fear is being used as excuses for poor behavior. Some of that fear is being used to keep therapists feeling numb, overwhelmed, and burnt out. And some of that fear is keeping successful therapists and group practice owners from fully connecting to their success and their options.

2022 is the year to let go of the fear! We understand that’s easier said than done. So, we have a plan for you.

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Navigating and Transitioning Into your Practice With Dr. Shemena
zynnyme zynnyme

Navigating and Transitioning Into your Practice With Dr. Shemena

Dr. Shemena compares her transition into her private practice to a traffic jam. She felt she knew where she wanted to go but had difficulties getting there. As she started making progress, she wasn't getting the immediate results. By trial and error, and transitioning out of a firm position, she began improving her business. Shemena created workshops and podcast episodes to help others who find themselves suck in traffic trying to navigate their own practice.

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Full Private Practice - What does that mean?
Bootcamp for Therapists Kelly Higdon Bootcamp for Therapists Kelly Higdon

Full Private Practice - What does that mean?

Ever wonder if your private practice is really full?

Sometimes you might think:

I have to be super busy to be full…

I have to have to have x amount of sessions to be full…

My friend sees 10 more clients a week than me, I guess I’m not full..

Full doesn't mean successful. You could have a ton of clients and be charging a fee that is all over the place or doesn’t allow you to run a business optimally, or take care of you optimally.

Full doesn't mean happy. You could be seeing a ton of clients that are not the right fit, sessions that drain you and lead to more stress and burnout.

Full doesn't mean great outcomes. You could be seeing a ton of clients with high turnover, high drop out rates and low outcomes with clients.

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Do you embody the healing and life that you teach your clients?

The time for change is now. We can help.