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Navigating Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship with Caroline
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Navigating Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship with Caroline

Dr. Caroline Buzanko, a registered psychologist in Canada, shares how she balances her private practice along with her workshop training on optimizing psychologists with new updated findings. She also gives tips on how to improve one’s practice and have it work in favor of her strengths as she has a neurodivergent way of thinking and managing her work.

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Finding Passion and Confidence in Private Practice with Krista
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Finding Passion and Confidence in Private Practice with Krista

Krista is a special education teacher and licensed clinical social worker in Austin, TX who works with adults with ADHD and anxiety.

She shares her “awakening” story about how a divorce moved her business from being a hobby to being a business she loves. She talks about how having ADHD impacts her approach to building her business and how she has used Bootcamp as a resource for the past 6 years, both to build her practice and to shift with each new thing thrown her way.

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Starting a Psychology Practice: From No Practice to Group Practice - Dr. Abi

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