App Reviews: Anxiety and Stress Reduction

Since ZynnyMe happens to be run by two therapists AND we happen to specialize in working with clients who are on the "nervous" side with technology- we thought it best to start with some great apps that can help you, your family, or your clients manage their anxiety and stress better! 

Our favorite stress reduction apps availabe on both Iphone and Android- and all FREE! 

Tactical Breather:

People in this country need to remember to breathe! Whether your heart is racing over a technology headache- or you just found yourself getting more tense as the days goes on- this app is wonderful. It is more masculine than feminine- which makes it something you can refer a male client or husband to. It was actually developed with military members and veterans in mind. It is education, to the point, and FREE. Available on both Iphone and Android. 

PTSD Coach:

Many people across the United States have been traumatized whether it is from abuse as a child, car accidents, or military service. This program is absolutely fantastic! It is available for both Androids and Iphones and was developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. It takes a person through identifying their top coping strategies, inspiring music, support people, and inspiring pictures during set-up. Then, when they are in the midst of a flashback or trigger- it takes them through rating the trigger, gives them suggestions of things to try based on how high their distress level is, and then helps them rate it again. If their distress level is still high- it gives additional strategies until a person feels calm again. It is also completely FREE. Available on IPhones and Android phones. 


It can be difficult to know how to get your stress and anxiety down if you don't know what is causing it. MoodyMe makes it easy and private for people to track moods, exercise, medication, sleep, and several other variables- make it easier to get to the bottom of what is stressing people out. FREE Available on Iphones and Android.


This fun little application allows you to set a personalized relaxation/breathing exercise. You can choose sounds that are most relaxing, music, and how deeply you want to breath. A wonderful program from the Center for Telehealth and Technology available on IPhone and Androids. 

What about you? What are you using to relax and stay sane? Share your favorite apps for Iphones or Androids in the comments section below! 


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SmartPhone Apps Series