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How to Store Sensitive Client Records: Encrypted Computer Syncing

So we are big fans of DropBox which allows you to have a folder that you can share between computers, and even access any of the files via a login on the dropbox website.

We use it ALL the time, but NOT for our private practice or any sensitive data! Why? Because there are some security holes with that awesome free product that make us a bit nervous about trusting medical data (like mental health records) to this cloud storage. However, this new one put some security in place that just might make it viable to have syncing between a work laptop and your home desktop.

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A Technofabulous Office - the Paperless Options

Before you say anything, don’t look at your office and the file cabinets. Just because you have files, doesn’t mean you can’t go paperless! If you have a private practice or a group practice, you can start now and deal with your file cabinets later. Don’t let scanning and such deter you
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The Tech Savvy Office

Imagine, if you will, the ultimate in tech savviness for your office. What do you see? I mean...your office might start to look like a scene from Star Trek. But at Zynnyme, we like to keep things simple. These are our top must haves for getting your office tech savvy
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Reasons I can't Go Paperless

I have heard a lot of reasons why someone can't go paperless. Some of them are valid for that particular person- however many more of the reasons are based on misinformation. Well we all know how much therapists don't like cognitive distortions! Here are some of the myths and realities about counselors going paperless in their therapy practice: Myth #1: It is too complicated.
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