Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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SmartPhone Apps Series
Technology for Therapists zynnyme Technology for Therapists zynnyme

SmartPhone Apps Series

We over here at zynnyme LOVE to talk to people about how to make better use of the technology that people already have. We think going out and buying a bunch of new toys leads to overwhelm- we would much prefer to help people learn how to use what they have in the most effective manner. Check out our app series for therapists today.

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How to stretch more time out of your old laptop!
Technology for Therapists zynnyme Technology for Therapists zynnyme

How to stretch more time out of your old laptop!

Everybody has a lot of irritations and frustrationgs about technology. While there are complaints about software- there is nothing more irritating than the piece of hardware you have not working right! Before you run out and drop a bunch of money on a tablet, a laptop, or a new PC, here are some things to do that might just stretch out the usefullness of your PC.
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