Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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We’d love to help you, too! More therapists serving their communities means a better world. We have HUNDREDS of articles with advice, how-tos, trainings, and success stories for every stage of private practice to inform, teach, inspire, and delight you. Scroll down to check out our latest articles, or type what you need into the search box.

2022 Fearless Business Plan for Therapists
Miranda Palmer Miranda Palmer

2022 Fearless Business Plan for Therapists

There’s a lot of fear being passed around in therapist circles right now. Some of that fear is being used to do a cash grab. Some of that fear is being used to shame therapists. Some of that fear is being used as excuses for poor behavior. Some of that fear is being used to keep therapists feeling numb, overwhelmed, and burnt out. And some of that fear is keeping successful therapists and group practice owners from fully connecting to their success and their options.

2022 is the year to let go of the fear! We understand that’s easier said than done. So, we have a plan for you.

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Group Practice Discussion Panel
zynnyme zynnyme

Group Practice Discussion Panel

Learn about hiring practices and the difference between contractors and employees + get insight into what it looks like to make adjustments to policies, processes, marketing, and your group practice vision!

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Navigating and Transitioning Into your Practice With Dr. Shemena
zynnyme zynnyme

Navigating and Transitioning Into your Practice With Dr. Shemena

Dr. Shemena compares her transition into her private practice to a traffic jam. She felt she knew where she wanted to go but had difficulties getting there. As she started making progress, she wasn't getting the immediate results. By trial and error, and transitioning out of a firm position, she began improving her business. Shemena created workshops and podcast episodes to help others who find themselves suck in traffic trying to navigate their own practice.

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Starting a Private Practice: The Complete Guide for Aspiring Business Owners
zynnyme zynnyme

Starting a Private Practice: The Complete Guide for Aspiring Business Owners

You deserve a private practice that’s aligned with your values and provides you with the financial means to live the life of your dreams. But what if you don’t know how to get started?

Being a business owner has the potential to be extremely fulfilling and impactful — both for you and the people you serve — and at the same time, reaching that potential requires a complete understanding of how to start a private practice.

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Business Retreats for Therapists
Business Advice, Bootcamp for Therapists Kelly Higdon Business Advice, Bootcamp for Therapists Kelly Higdon

Business Retreats for Therapists

Business retreats and personal retreats may conjure up images of getting out of town, relaxing without distraction at a beautiful spa or golf course - something that feels impossible to do right now. But, a business retreat is a necessity, not a luxury, and it is something that can be done with little to no budget even during trying times like a quarantine.

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Miranda Palmer Miranda Palmer

Business Planning for Therapists: Steps 1-44

Our free Private Practice Vision training dug into Step 1 of your business plan. But what comes next? We wanted to share the steps for the rest of your business plan as a therapist. Your business plan will look a little different based on your particular needs and vision, but you can tweak the process as you go. Check them out below!

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Innovation in Private Practice
Business Advice Kelly Higdon Business Advice Kelly Higdon

Innovation in Private Practice

Your Private Practice is an Opportunity

Our hope for you is to create a private practice that provides stellar outcomes for clients, increases accessibility to good mental health care. It takes innovation and creativity as well as attunement to provide services that are uniquely your own. It is NECESSARY if we want to reduce stigma, help people heal and shift their family trees and change the story for not only themselves but for their generation and communities

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Starting a Counseling Practice Part 2: Giving yourself permission to build something that works for you
Starting a Counseling Practice Miranda Palmer Starting a Counseling Practice Miranda Palmer

Starting a Counseling Practice Part 2: Giving yourself permission to build something that works for you

Hope you enjoyed really getting to know yourself in Starting a Counseling Practice Part 1. The truth is, getting honest with yourself is only the first step in creating and implementing a great private practice vision. You also have to give yourself permission. I know there are people out there who will give me a hard time and say this is “non-advice, advice.”

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Mentorship and Adding Clinicians to Your Private Practice
Business Advice, Beyond the Couch Kelly Higdon Business Advice, Beyond the Couch Kelly Higdon

Mentorship and Adding Clinicians to Your Private Practice

You are a leader, a teacher, a person who wants to support others in sharing their gifts with the world. We think that is great!

Before you add a clinician to your practice, we want you to know that part of being an amazing mentor to those around you, you need a solid business that works for you. You have to take care of you before you take care of others.

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Do you embody the healing and life that you teach your clients?

The time for change is now. We can help.