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Super Shrinks

I got a chance to attend the Super Shrinks Conference today with Scott Miller, PHD as the speaker. He was phenomenal! A Super Shrink is the unusually effective and talented psychotherapist. Through Scott’s research it became evident that Super Shrinks are always seeking consultation, engaging with questions, and trying to figure out what they need to improve. It is about improving our outcomes as therapists and not settling in our comfort zones. It got me thinking not only about how we need to seek to grow in our clinical skill but in our technological skill as well.
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Free Technology Consultation Winner!

Today, I had the pleasure of hosting a booth at the OC CAMFT Luncheon. It was a blast talking to therapists about their technology needs. We had a drawing for 30 minutes of FREE technology consultation. The winner is Shelley Zeigler, LMFT, in Costa Mesa! Congrats Shelley! Can't wait to chat! One of the most common questions from today was "Can you build a website for me?"
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