But I have TOO many ideas... Subtitle: LinkedIn Is Awesome

I know a lot of therapists that tell me... I know there is this "lincoln" thing... but I don't know what to DO with it! The are not talking about that tall guy with the funny hat- they are talking about LinkedIn, a social network site that is focused on maintaining and building relationships with business contact. 

While therapists often dislike the idea of Facebook and Twitter because of the bulk of personal content, LinkedIn has MUCH less of that. People are on there for a purpose! 

In fact, Kelly and I started a group on LinkedIn focused on marketing help for helping professionals. Starting a group is way to bring the people that you really want to network and connect with directly to you! It is especially powerful if you look at what is out there and find that there isn't a group that isn't already filling that need! As a group owner, you get some special perks- but that is for another day!

So back to the point- I asked people in the group what their biggest marketing challenge was- and this response by Kevin Bergen, MFT caught my eye. He is a couple's therapist in Los Angeles, and owns another groovy business focused on Therapy for Men in Los Angeles.

"Miranda, my struggle is having TOO MANY ideas! There's so many things I want to do, it becomes paralyzing. Kelly Higdon suggested I cut things out and just focus on a few (duh!), but so far I'm just not willing to let go of things. Can you relate?"

Kevin I can sooo relate! And, Kevin allowed me to use this question as a starter for today's blog. Here is the truth, most people have a MILLION awesome ideas! It is true! I too am always ready with awesome ideas. In fact, just today my coaching client was lamenting that she wasn't recording our conversation... "that was pure gold!" 

How silly is that? But... what is the difference between a person with awesome business ideas, and a person with an awesome business? In a word: 


I don't watch a ton of tv, but I am sucker for creative based reality shows... Top Chef, Project Runway, Design Stars... Again, and again if you watch these shows you will see them give the same feedback over and over again. 

You need better time management

You need better editing (and editing allows us to use our time wisely) 

I have a MILLION great ideas a day... seriously... I wish someone would just pay me to spout out awesome ideas... but alas... 

The real trick is editing and implementing flawlessly. A great idea never implemented or implemented poorly, haphazardly, late, etc. isn't a great idea anymore... it is a flop ;0( Cue sad trumpets here... 

So the question becomes, how do we learn how to edit well? Here are a few tips to help you edit those great ideas and implement one well and flawlessly: 

  • Start with a clear vision of your life. Let that deep understanding guide your decisions.

  • Allow yourself to admit to your biggest, truest, passion in the whole wide world. This is TOUGH for therapists.

  • List out a million ways to carry that passion out.

  • Choose just one. Ouch...

  • Get outside help choosing if you need to.

  • Implement it really well.

  • Make adjustments as needed.

Once this project is running really well and moving forward, only then can you move into expanding or exploring launching a new project. Kelly and I struggle with this daily because we see so many ways we can impact our community. We also get so many requests for specific programs or products that would meet a real need-but we have to focus on one thing at a time. Otherwise, we get overwhelmed, distracted, and life gets out of balance! 


An Amazing Therapist


What Therapy Speciality is going to Make Me MONEY?