Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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Myths about Nonprofit and Private Practice

Myths about Nonprofit and Private Practice

Jasmine Bright, founder of the nonprofit consultation company Bright Management and Consulting Services, spoke with us about nonprofit development and management. She gave her professional insight regarding when you should start a non-profit, the basic steps to getting started, the myths about going into non-profit work and the key elements that will make or break your non-profit.

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Online case consultation in private practice

Online case consultation in private practice

Therapists of the world you need clinical consultation. You want clinical consultation. You crave clinical consultation. We have this wonderful online community- so how might you use online groups to get case consultation? 

Therapists We Are Judged by our Peers

The truth is, we are judged by our peers. If there is ever any question about whether we are providing appropriate services and treatment to our clients, courts of law use other therapists as the litmus test as to whether what we are doing is consistent with the standard of care. This makes asking for, and receiving clinical consultation from other therapists both scary, and necessary. 

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