Virtual Assistant - Part 2

If you missed the first part where I talk about what a virtual assistant is and how they can help you with your practice, click here. As you know, the NEW YEAR is almost here! Woo hoo! Are you ready?

You know you need an assistant, but how do you find one? Good thing you follow us! We know a few. So we decided to interview Amy Ramsey @ . And just so you know, I don't get paid to refer Amy and I didn't pay her to do this interview. She did it out of the kindness of her heart. 40 minutes of us talking about virtual assistants and what they can do for your business. Basically, I interviewed her to make it easy for you! This is a great interview and heck, you may even want to hire Amy when you are done. But our hope is that you walk away educated, motivated and empowered to hired a virtual assistant for your business. Thanks Amy for doing this!


So many listings... so little time...


Can We Be Thankful for Failure?