Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

We’ve helped over 100,000 therapists in private practice for free.

We’d love to help you, too! More therapists serving their communities means a better world. We have HUNDREDS of articles with advice, how-tos, trainings, and success stories for every stage of private practice to inform, teach, inspire, and delight you. Scroll down to check out our latest articles, or type what you need into the search box.

Top Advice for 2019 From Therapists in Private Practice
A Dad's Perfect Practice with Adam
Building a Psychology Practice from Scratch: Take a leap of faith and invest in yourself - Hilary’s Story
Starting a Psychology Practice: From No Practice to Group Practice - Dr. Abi
Redefining Success: An Interview with an ADHD Specialist

Redefining Success: An Interview with an ADHD Specialist

After working in community mental health for 3 years, Gabriel realized it wasn’t something he could sustain. He already had another successful business and he was ready to start another. But this time, he didn’t want it to be so challenging.

In this interview you will learn:

  • How to ditch googling for answers and get a structured plan

  • Why you might delay opportunity and growth at times

  • How to create a win win for yourself, your family and your clients

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3 Ways to Avoid the Biggest Mistakes Private Practitioners Make

3 Ways to Avoid the Biggest Mistakes Private Practitioners Make

Want to avoid the common mistakes most clinicians make in private practice?  Wonder what those mistakes are?

When we first started in private practice over a decade ago, there weren’t a lot practice building resources at the time.  We were forced to learn everything the hard way and made a ton of mistakes along our journey growing our private practices to 6 figures in less than 2 years. 

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Adding a Stream of Income as a Therapist: Stories from the Trenches
Private Practice Business, Therapists, Podcast Miranda Palmer Private Practice Business, Therapists, Podcast Miranda Palmer

Adding a Stream of Income as a Therapist: Stories from the Trenches

Multiple streams of income, adding an income stream, moving Beyond the Couch, podcasts, online courses, workshops, retreat, intensives, products, workbooks, trainings, certifications... it seems like every day as a therapist you are hearing about ways to expand beyond traditional psychotherapy. 

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Is Your Money Story Impacting Your Private Practice?

Is Your Money Story Impacting Your Private Practice?

As therapists, we LOVE to tend to love to see the big picture and help people find the path to ease in making deep changes in their life. Often, that shift happens when people become aware of what is driving them to repeat old patterns that don't serve their current life, circumstances, and goals. 

And yet, when you talk to therapists about private practice finances or the financial success of a business, it often gets boiled down to- am I attracting enough clients? As a business owner, you can have a full private practice, and still not make a profit!

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Creating a Successful Private Practice in 2017: People NEED You!

Creating a Successful Private Practice in 2017: People NEED You!

Do you believe that your community needs you in private practice? I do. Start to look around as you go about your day and you will see lots of people who could benefit from the work that you do. Or, you could dig into some of the data out in the world! And while non-profits and agencies can meet some of the need, a lot of people would benefit from private practice services. 

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Counseling jobs in 2015: Can (or should) you get a job?
Private Practice Business, Therapists Miranda Palmer Private Practice Business, Therapists Miranda Palmer

Counseling jobs in 2015: Can (or should) you get a job?

The mental health field is in a time of transition. Like so many things in this world, the way we look at, and solve problems tend to go through cycles. Just talk to anyone who has been in ANY field for over a decade- and they will happily complain to you, I mean tell you about it! 

I truly believe that if you take the steps to become known- you can get paid as a mental health professional in 2015. Whether that means going the traditional job route, or developing your own position through private practice- you can do this. Our world is in desperate need of more qualified healers like you! 

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Therapists Miranda Palmer Therapists Miranda Palmer

You are invited to the book club for Irvin D. Yalom's new book

To be successful in private practice long-term, you need to strive to be an amazing therapist, No, you don't have to be perfect, but you need to want to be exemplary. I had the honor of reading a pre-release copy of Irvin D. Yalom's new book Creatures of a Day


This book is hands down the most clinically dense book I've ever read. The storytelling format is so incredibly reach, and really speaks to the feeling of what happens in psychotherapy. Yalom shared in our interview with him that each of these stories is meant to teach psychotherapists and psychiatrists alike powerful clinical lessons. 

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Do you embody the healing and life that you teach your clients?

The time for change is now. We can help.