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App Reviews: Great Apps for Nonprofits and Small Business Owners

Nonprofits, like small business owners have very limited budgets and resources. Anything that a nonprofit can do to save time, energy, or money can really translate into a huge return on investment. Even more important, when nonprofits and small business owners are able to better use their resources, it means a greater positive impact on the community around them. So, without further ado- here are some of my favorite apps for nonprofit-esque peeps (yes Lynn Quijada-Splan this one is for you and your nonprofit work!)
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App Reviews: Solo Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

When the job market is not so great, many people turn to self-employment. There is a good news and bad news in being self-employed. First- the good news: Being your own boss puts the reward of your hard work directly to you! And, despite the economic downturn- many business owners are finding they are having record growth. In fact, female small business owners are doing quite well right now! 

The bad news: If you are in business for yourself it is all on you. Yep, I said it... there is a LOT on your shoulders! However, there are some wonderful apps out there that can turn that little smart phone in your pocket into a helper, or even a receptionist! Here are some fun apps that you may want to check out for your business! 

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Super Shrinks

I got a chance to attend the Super Shrinks Conference today with Scott Miller, PHD as the speaker. He was phenomenal! A Super Shrink is the unusually effective and talented psychotherapist. Through Scott’s research it became evident that Super Shrinks are always seeking consultation, engaging with questions, and trying to figure out what they need to improve. It is about improving our outcomes as therapists and not settling in our comfort zones. It got me thinking not only about how we need to seek to grow in our clinical skill but in our technological skill as well.
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How to stretch more time out of your old laptop!
Technology for Therapists zynnyme Technology for Therapists zynnyme

How to stretch more time out of your old laptop!

Everybody has a lot of irritations and frustrationgs about technology. While there are complaints about software- there is nothing more irritating than the piece of hardware you have not working right! Before you run out and drop a bunch of money on a tablet, a laptop, or a new PC, here are some things to do that might just stretch out the usefullness of your PC.
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