Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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The Tech Savvy Office

Imagine, if you will, the ultimate in tech savviness for your office. What do you see? I mean...your office might start to look like a scene from Star Trek. But at Zynnyme, we like to keep things simple. These are our top must haves for getting your office tech savvy
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zynnyme zynnyme

Happily Married...Really?

As therapists, we see people in our offices, determined to make a relationship work, when sometimes to us, it is evident that it is not going to work. As technology consultants, we see the same thing! Let me explain. I built my first website, all on my own using iWeb. I had a new MacBook that I loved and thought, heck why not use the free software to build my website.
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zynnyme zynnyme

Free Technology Consultation Winner!

Today, I had the pleasure of hosting a booth at the OC CAMFT Luncheon. It was a blast talking to therapists about their technology needs. We had a drawing for 30 minutes of FREE technology consultation. The winner is Shelley Zeigler, LMFT, in Costa Mesa! Congrats Shelley! Can't wait to chat! One of the most common questions from today was "Can you build a website for me?"
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Pros and Cons of Technology

Ever asked a client to write a pros and cons list when making a decision? Why not do this before you integrate some technology into your private practice. We aren't going to tell you that you HAVE to integrate the tech side of things. We are going to tell you that you HAVE to make an informed decision and do what is BEST for your practice. Pro: People can have access to information 24/7 Con: Some people forget to get some sleep and try to keep up with technology 24/7
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Do you embody the healing and life that you teach your clients?

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