Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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Social Media is a Worthless Time Suck

Social Media is a Worthless Time Suck

It’s important not to get sucked into social media for the wrong reasons as a private practice owner. Who are you passionate about helping? And no, "anybody who will give me money" isn't a good answer. Or at least, it isn't an answer that is going to make social media worth your investment of time, energy, or money. ONLY use social media if you are truly passionate, have a clear audience, and you are ready to be intentional.

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The "M" Word: Talking to Therapists about Money

The "M" Word: Talking to Therapists about Money

So this weekend Kelly and I presented at the 2013 Annual California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) conference. We go to present for 1 hour on Top Tips for Going Paperless. And while we did our best to pack as much in as we could in such a small amount of time- it wasn't enough! (We had sent in a 4 or 6 hour proposal for this topic and they gave us a 1-hour slot! (Which we are SO glad we got to talk and meet some awesome therapists!) 

So... as we were agonizing about what we include on our slides, I noticed how uncomfortable I was with the idea of putting any words up that related to money or profits. Why? Because I knew that it would set off alarm bells in our audience. 

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A Technofabulous Office - the Paperless Options

Before you say anything, don’t look at your office and the file cabinets. Just because you have files, doesn’t mean you can’t go paperless! If you have a private practice or a group practice, you can start now and deal with your file cabinets later. Don’t let scanning and such deter you
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The Tech Savvy Office

Imagine, if you will, the ultimate in tech savviness for your office. What do you see? I mean...your office might start to look like a scene from Star Trek. But at Zynnyme, we like to keep things simple. These are our top must haves for getting your office tech savvy
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Do you have the time to be successful?

I talk with people regularly who are passionately committed to being successful in their small (or large) business. Only one small problem: they don't have time to be successful... Does this sound like you: Stacks of paperwork Unfinished documentation Unfinished projects A long list of calls to return A desk that looks like a nightmare
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For Clinicians: The Path to Paperless...

Got a great comment/question from Uriah Guilford at "I really want to go paperless, but haven't found the right software or program. I did the Argonaut trial, but just didn't like the look and feel, not to mention the yearly cost. Are there any other products you would recommend?"
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Do you embody the healing and life that you teach your clients?

The time for change is now. We can help.