Private Practice Blog To Grow, Revamp, or Launch Your Happy Practice

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We’d love to help you, too! More therapists serving their communities means a better world. We have HUNDREDS of articles with advice, how-tos, trainings, and success stories for every stage of private practice to inform, teach, inspire, and delight you. Scroll down to check out our latest articles, or type what you need into the search box.

Therapists: It is ok to change... even during a pandemic

Therapists: It is ok to change... even during a pandemic

This year has been a whirlwind of change, and although change can be a beautiful thing - it can also be quite stressful. As healers, we typically give our whole heart, and are constantly holding ourselves to this higher standard of doing more and being better than the day before. In light of COVID-19, many of us are in a position where we are trying to figure out how to do more with even less.

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Finding Passion and Confidence in Private Practice with Krista
Therapist Stories zynnyme Therapist Stories zynnyme

Finding Passion and Confidence in Private Practice with Krista

Krista is a special education teacher and licensed clinical social worker in Austin, TX who works with adults with ADHD and anxiety.

She shares her “awakening” story about how a divorce moved her business from being a hobby to being a business she loves. She talks about how having ADHD impacts her approach to building her business and how she has used Bootcamp as a resource for the past 6 years, both to build her practice and to shift with each new thing thrown her way.

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zynnyme zynnyme

Going out of my comfort zone...

by Miranda Palmer, LMFT

When I build a custom website for therapists, lawyers, or other small business owners one of my favorite things to do is to meet with them over a webinar. That means we share a computer screen and a phone line and we go through the website look, feel and make the changes and tweaks necessary to make the website perfect for their business needs. 

One of the things that invariably happens is that the business owner I am working with says "you make it look so easy!" Well, the truth is, building websites is EASY and it isn't...

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