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Single Best Thing You Can Start Today To Have a Successful E-book or Product Launch (Even If You Aren’t Launching for 5 Years)

Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S is a successful and whole hearted therapist who cares deeply about her clients, colleagues, and the people in her life. She recently launched an amazing e-workbook that contains 31 of her top therapy exercises and activities for clients, couples and group therapy called, "The Creative Clinician: Exercises and Activities for Clients and Group Therapy.”

Within 72 hours she had sold over 100 copies 

Now, I have talked to enough therapists who have launched e-books, products,and workbooks to know this is not the norm- many e-books sit on the virtual shelf and people are lucky if 20 or 30 people buy them ever… We are going to be interviewing Mari and outlining the specific steps Mari took to make this launch a success on our free webinar this Thursday, March 13th at 10 AM PST, but I want to highlight a few things that made her e-book launch a success in today’s practice building article.

Networking, Relationships, and Reputation.

Many years ago CAMFT had a listserve. It was a lively place with a LOT of discussion. The listserve had enlightening conversations that were healthy and supportive. It also had more down and dirty arguments than I care to count. As a pre-licensed person I joined the listserve to share the free online study group I had developed for licensing exams in order to support other pre-licensed therapists.

At the time, I had no idea what I was doing. I was one of the younger people on the listserve and pre-licensed. I had no way to know that this would be the start of building my professional reputation, as well as learning to love (and hate) networking, and that my time on this listserve would allow me to make a great friend, Mari A. Lee, LMFT, CSAT-S.

You see, Mari and I connected before either of us had licenses or certifications after our names, before we had successful businesses, or books. We were just two women, new to the world of therapy, living in different cities, who only knew one another through the listserve. However, you can tell a lot about a person by the way they write, by the way they respond when great things are said, and by the way they respond when not so nice things are said. You can especially see someone’s true colors when something nasty is said.

Mari and I were both kindred spirits - people who believe that the way you treat people is important, and that who you connect with says a lot about you. So...what does any of this have to do with a successful e-book launch?

You see, Mari didn’t just stick a book on her website and have over 100 people magically buy it in 72 hours. As part of being a great clinician, she had spent years developing her specialization, investing in professional trainings and relationships, networking, connecting, speaking, extending, consulting, supervising and teaching. And for many years, giving and supporting others from a place of encouragement, at no financial gain to her business. These activities had led to her being visible, seen, and her development of an excellent reputation.

If you want to be successful long-term, both on the couch and off, your reputation matters.

Here are 5 ways you can build or enhance your reputation online and offline:

#1. Really Connect.

Networking is all about authentically connecting. Initial contacts should never be about “selling” yourself to another person. One solid relationship made is more powerful than 20 surface conversations. Start building a list of people who you really know, that know you today.

#2. Be Authentic.

People aren’t sure how to connect with you if they can’t know you. That doesn’t mean you have to be unprofessional. Example: I am pretty sure I got a great speaking gig based on reaching out to someone at a conference who had the same horrible hotel experience I was having (ask me about it sometime it is a pretty funny story after the fact!). I made sure to follow-up and let her know that I had contacted management and that they had made some adjustments to our bill - and let her know she could do the same. I contacted her on a personal matter because I cared, that is who I am.  

#3. Be Giving.

In the example above, the women didn’t suggest I speak at her organization just because I did something nice for her. But, it did give us another way to get to know one another and have fun! When you are giving and nice, nice people tend to respond in kind. This is just a funny happenstance story. If you are looking to make the magic happen - then always make contacts about the other person. Be self-less in networking and see how far it takes you!

#4. Be Nice No Matter What.

Guess what, when you are networking people will be neutral, negative, and downright nasty from time to time. I believe in being nice no matter what. That doesn’t mean I don’t speak my mind - but I do so in a way that is focused on being nice, respectful, and really trying to hear the other’s point of view- no matter what.

#5. Be Awesome.

No matter how nice you are, if you aren’t good at what you do, it is hard to create and maintain a great clinical reputation. And guess what, it is hard to be good at, and be known for, 10 different things. Focus in on what you are really passionate about, and let people know about that passion.

I couldn’t possibly put everything Mari did in an article. I am sure even if I tried to, you would have a lot of questions!

See this gallery in the original post