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Technology Coaching - What is it?

First I was a therapist and then I became a tech coach. So when people ask what I do, I tell them I do both. On occasion people ask me "what it technology coaching? How do you do that? What do you coach on?" So I thought I would put in a catch all blog that talks in general about technology coaching and what makes it so special.


  • It's about getting support when you use technology. Technology can include devices (iphone, desktop, laptop) and software (word, photoshop, jing).

  • We make technology easier to understand. I work really hard to speak like a normal person (every now and again I need a reminder). I don't speak html, css code or any of that stuff. I make it so people get it. Technology is something people can relate to.

  • We help you focus on the technology you NEED. Stop spending money on gadgets and products if it doesn't meet your business plan (short run and long run).

  • We are therapists that know the specific technologies that therapists need to keep information secure and private. We GET IT!

  • We train our clients on how to not only pick the right technology but learn to use it fully. That is something we believe saves our clients money. For example, we created a program to teach you to build your own website as a therapist. We know you can do it so you don't have to pay someone to do it for you. It is EMPOWERING!!!

  • We treat Technophobia - extreme, intense fear of technology. With our help, you can overcome this phobia and no longer be afraid.


We love helping people. That is why we train people across the country via phone, skype or webinar. Oh, and did I mention we love to travel too! This weekend we will be in San Jose helping out local CAMFT chapters assess their technology needs. So if you need us, give us a call!

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